Links for 2010-03-04

Since I’ve been a bit pre-occupied with non-Hudson related activities lately, I have missed a few days of link rollups, I suppose it’s fitting to get a couple days worth of links in one post.
While The Build Doctor has the time to follow the continuous integration world and post links on a daily basis, I haven’t found the same quantity of Hudson links on a day-to-day basis. Therefore, I will be posting a link-rollup every few days. Do let me know if this is too infrequent. That said, here’s some interesting links!
That feels better — Cocoa, Hudson and running green
Indie iPhone app developer Jeff Schilling writes about working more efficient with Hudson and Cocoa for developing iPhone apps, he covers OCUnit integration and code coverage with gcovr, a good read for iPhone and Mac developers alike.
Switching from CruiseControl to Hudson
The developers over at Amaxus wax poetic on reducing their "bus factor" by switching from CruiseControl to Hudson
Integrating Selenium tests with Hudson CI
The folks at InfoStretch have written up a nice, short-and-sweet, overview of getting higher level integration tests built with Selenium to play with Hudson