Screencast: Python on Hudson (Part 1)

After Hudson got some major publicity at PyCon Atlanta 2010 I haven’t been as quick as I would have liked with Python-related posts and tutorials. I use Hudson to build and test a number of pure Python modules and C extensions across numerous Python versions (covering 2.4 - 3.1). For most beginners, or those simply looking to get started with Python on Hudson, starting with my job configurations is too much at once, so instead I wanted to start at the "beginning" so to speak.
The trouble with getting people started with Hudson, given how simple and visual it is to use, is that articles with sample configurations are not particularly useful; a screencast however is a good medium for visually walking somebody through Hudson. The screencast below (also on YouTube) is the first in a series of screencasts I’ll be doing, not only for Python on Hudson, but for Hudson overall. It is just over four minutes long, and covers setting up a simple continuous integration job for the Eventlet library (which is hosted on Bitbucket)